Aiming for zero accidents

Putting safety first, always
We want all our employees to go home safely – that is our top priority. We are applying a safety-first culture, focusing on achieving zero accidents in the workplace by implementing formalised, behaviour-based safety programmes, encouraging our people to report near misses and carrying out on-the-job checks through 30-second assessments.
As a business, health and safety depend on active risk management by all. Through our health and safety strategy, we have set commitments and metrics, supported by an implementation plan. This focuses on:
- culture change – our managers lead by example, sharing best practice, engaging with their teams and clearly communicating expectations;
- active training – we’ve increased manager and employee training, supported by risk management and assessments and root cause analysis and action trackers;
- monitoring and measuring – we record, report and investigate all incidents: from near misses to minor incidents and lost time accidents. In addition, we implement internal and third-party audits, on-the-job safety checks and report against our SMART objectives; and
- positive reinforcement – we motivate our people, listening and acting on their recommendations, recognising the right behaviours, holding personal safety checks, observational safety walks and encouraging transparency throughout the business.